Sunday, March 17, 2013

Day 16 & Day 17: The Weekend

I had every intention of reporting back today on some serious transgressions due to the festive nature of the weekend. But, low and behold, I abstained. There were a bunch of celebratory things going on yesterday, but in between the time I got to the gym after my run and the hour-long TRX class I took, the level of public drunkenness had hit a stupidity level I was in no way prepared for, nor interested in participating in. (The girl taking breaks from puking in a NYC street trash can, face fully submerged below the rim, to take bites of the pizza her equally drunk friend was holding at 12pm sealed my sober deal.)

So instead, I met up with some friends and we went shopping. There are few things that make a laborious diet feel better than trying on clothes in sizes smaller than you anticipated. What is that CoCo Chanel quote, "Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels." I definitely disagree with that on an inherent, food-obsessed level, but it totally fit as the motto for the day yesterday.

Anyway, nothing major to report for this weekend. Logged around 11 miles; hit up TRX yesterday. Other than the overall effort I've been putting in to adding more strength training to my workouts, I've also noticed a change in how much time it takes for my body to get sore, and get over being sore since I started this paleo thing. Normally, I'd go to TRX Saturday morning at 10:30, and not feel sore until the next morning, which would last for the remainder of that day. But yesterday, I started feeling soreness around 3pm, which lasted through the morning, and has pretty much subsided already. Not sure what that means or how/if its related to this whole diet situation, but it's definitely a noticeable and welcome change.

Also, jumped on the scale this morning and am officially down 9.8 lbs. Hollaaaaaa.

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