Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Day 12: Feel the burn

A friend of mine mentioned she wanted to check out this boot camp class she had heard good things about, so today after work we dropped in on Pure Power Boot Camp. It's exactly as you think it'd be: a fair amount of PT work, some actual obstacle course training and some cardio. It was a solid workout, and between that and my five mile run this morning, I felt pretty amazing today.

Which brings me to the topic of today's post. I have a hardcore aversion to moving outside of my fitness comfort zone. I like my cardio wheel house--spinning, running, turbo kick-- and will occasionally venture out for TRX, body pump or Nike Training, but anything having to do with weights or PT is the first thing I cross of my list when I'm in a time crunch.

I like a measurable, easy to quantify calorie burn, which is why cardio appeals to me. I also do well with endurance, less so with intensity.  But someone commented on my blog that they questioned the readability of it because early on I talked about how I was not a lifter. And they're right. The whole point of doing this paleo program was to get healthier (and hotter) and its a reasonable assertion that my lack of lifting is holding me back from both, but most importantly from getting myself some of these.

So once I got over how butt hurt I was that someone called me out on the uselessness of my blog, I figured I should bro-up and start hitting the weights. So as a subset to this paleo challenge, we have Day 1: Get Huge.

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