Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 28: Taking hypersensitivity to a whole other level

As we all know, I cheated last night. I did it, immediately felt guilty, contemplated spitting it out, realized I was in a fancy restaurant, and that it was delicious, swallowed it like a big girl, digested it, blogged about my suckage, and should've moved on, right?


I dwelled in it. I stewed in it. And I'm pretty sure my mental anguish manifested itself physically, because even though the actual cheating was in reality confined to at maximum 5% of my overall calories consumed for the day, I felt puffy and bloated and all around gross this morning when I woke up.

So....what's a girl to do when she wakes up and feels like she's suffering from a major case of gout? She gets her fat ass up and she runs. And it might not have been the prettiest five miles, or the fastest, but it set me up for a solid re-baptism into the paleo program.

Day 28 was a pretty solid day of good, clean eating. Breakfast was a green juice and coffee with almond milk, a larabar as a snack, a spinach salad with beets, tomatoes, avocado and hardboiled eggs and a banana for lunch, an apple and some blueberries and strawberries for snack number 2 and grilled chicken breast, broccoli and sweet potatoes for dinner, following TRX.

I'm also pretty stoked because I was scared that once I opened the flood gates to sugar, like an addict, I'd hit the rock hard, fall off the grid only to resurface three days later as this guy, trying to break into a convenience store so I could mainline all their sugar packets. But cheating actually had the opposite effect. I felt gross and terrible and in a strange twist, that made me feel amazing and so much better at the end of Day 28.

So with two days left, we are back on track and thundercats are GOOOOOOO.

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