Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day 20: Let's keep this train moving....

Over the past few days a lot of people have been asking me questions about my paleo experience: what are some tips for people who want to try it (just do it), what's been the hardest part (no oatmeal), how do I handle cravings and cheating (don't do it), am I going to keep it going after my 30 day challenge is up (yes).

I make no claims to be an expert about this diet, nor to know more than a couple of minutes of intense googling can provide, but what I can tell you is that if it were easy, more people would be doing it.

Obviously finding a program with diet and exercise that works for you is a personal process. Whatever your goals--weight loss, getting healthy, training for a race--you have to do something that's going to get you to your end game, but also isn't going to completely crush your spirit in the process.

Napoleon Hill said it best:  The starting point of all achievement is desire--keep this constantly in mind. Weak desire brings weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat.

Whatever your motivation, work hard for it. Push hard for it. The only thing that's going to let you fail is yourself. And if you do actually go for it, the results speak for themselves.

Official weigh in on day 20: 11.6 lbs down.

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